Submitted by guest blogger Stacie Dixon, Facilities Operations Coordinator, Athletics & Campus Recreation
This work-from-home journey is quite the ride, including times of successes, challenges, and new opportunities. I am sure it looks a bit different for everyone but, with this dose of good weather there is no better time to reflect and explore, and ask yourself what your Better is?
Join us this week with UFV Unite for a re-focus, a revitalization to the intentions you have set or start to consider what your movement and connection vision is. Write it down, state it out loud as your mantra, tell a friend. Already set some specific goals? Or haven’t thought about it yet? It’s not too late!
Whatever you do, whatever it is, we want you to REACH it, no matter what it is. Check below of what you can look forward to this week to support you in the intentions you have set:
R — ecreation. Get outside. Check out tips of how to hit the links, safely (that’s right, golf.)
E — ngagement. Complete our second UFV Unite Bingo Challenge #2.
A — wareness. Celebrate and Thank. International Nurses Day is on May 12.
C — onnection. Join in. Bluejeans Coffee break #3 on Thursday, May 14 at 10am.
H — ealth. What do you want to Better? ParticipACTION is ready to help.
We will also be unveiling our UFV Unite — Wall of Fame, a friendly recognition for the top connectors so far and to help add some motivation to get others actively involved!
Let’s not forget UFV’s Pandemic Kitchen series, especially if you are looking for something to do with the kids. Get them to join you with this week’s theme: To keep the kids quiet (Children’s meals). Now, get cooking and submit your video for a chance to have your recipe featured in the UFV’s Pandemic Cookbook.
All information about the competition is tagged under “Pandemic Kitchen” on Facebook. Remember, all proceeds of the cookbook sales will go to the UFV-SUS Foodbank.