UFV’s Housing Operations is pleased to announce that they have joined other UFV departments in using TeamDynamix as their new service management tool for students to request common housing services. The smooth transition to TeamDynamix took place during the first week of November.
Benefits to the UFV Students
The implementation of the new ticketing system brings a host of improvements for students:
Enhanced User Experience: The intuitive interface makes it easier for students to navigate and submit requests for housing services.
Seamless Submission Process: Students can request multiple common services and have full visibility into the status and history of their submitted tickets, saving time and effort.
Streamlined Operations: By replacing outdated tools, TeamDynamix streamlines processes via automation and enhanced reporting. This helps to improve efficiency, enabling the Housing Operations team to respond more effectively to student needs.
With these enhancements, Housing Operations is better equipped to serve the UFV community. The team is thrilled to join other departments in using TeamDynamix and providing a unified end user experience for service delivery across UFV.
For any questions related to Housing Operations, contact Kimberly Ferguson (kim.ferguson@ufv.ca), Housing Operations Manager.
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