University of the Fraser Valley

UFV Science Cafe focuses on air quality and health

UFV Science Cafe focuses on air quality and health

Dr. Luisa Giles, assistant professor in kinesiology, is one of the speakers at an upcoming Science Cafe at the UFV Chilliwack campus.

(Abbotsford) March 12 — As the climate continues to warm, extreme wildfires will likely increase. The public is invited to a University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) Science Café on Tuesday, March 18 from noon to 1:30 pm at the Chilliwack campus library. The event will focus on the impacts of wildfire smoke on health and ways to protect yourself from smoke-filled skies. 

Hear from Dr. Luisa Giles, assistant professor in kinesiology; Dr. Anne-Marie Nicol from Simon Fraser University Health Sciences; and Prem Gundarah, BREATHE Program Coordinator. 

Giles will talk about how wildfires affect physical and mental health and outline simple strategies you can use to protect yourself when skies are smoky.

Nicol will provide an introduction to the BREATHE project, a community-based initiative that teaches people how to build do-it-yourself air cleaners. There will be a hands-on session building air cleaners for 20 attendees.

Everyone is welcome at this open event, and light refreshments will be served.


About UFV

Located in the beautiful Fraser Valley just east of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV)is afully accredited, public university that enrolls approximately 15,000 students per year. UFV hascampuses and locationsin Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Mission, and Hope, and a growing presence inChandigarh, India.

We offermore than 100 programs, including three master’s degrees, 21 bachelor’s degrees with majors, minors, and extended minors in more than 35 subject areas, four graduate certificates, and more than a dozentrades and technology programs.

For media inquiries: 

Jeboah M. Godron, UFV Director, Communications