University of the Fraser Valley

March for Sustainability offers a full slate of events

March for Sustainability offers a full slate of events

Open Mic Night/Queeraoke is a popular March for Sustainability event making its return this year on March 27.

The University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) is full of people who are passionate about sustainability, and that makes March an exciting month. Each year, UFV’s Office of Sustainability, with the help of over 20 other departments and groups, co-organizes March for Sustainability, offering a slate of events that touch on everything from the environment to social justice to health and well-being. 

Dr. Keziah Wallis and Chelsea Klassen are co-organizers and enthusiastic supporters of March for Sustainability.  

Keziah is thrilled to see the university embracing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that were adopted by United Nations members in 2015. This year’s schedule includes 25 events, including the Building Better Hobbies: Sustainable Games Night on March 5. 

“I’m a big board game geek. I love them, and one day I’d like to teach an entire course about board games,” she says enthusiastically. “As an academic, there’s so much you can learn about patterns of thinking, and the colonial/occupational themes of games like Settlers of Catan and Spirit Island encourage us to question in different ways. 

Early Earth Day is a popular event on the March for Sustainability schedule, taking place this year on March 26.

“So, I’m naturally drawn to an event that talks about something that I already love and how to make that thing more sustainable.” 

Keziah has never known a time when she didn’t think about sustainability. Her aunt was leader of the New Zealand Green Party for 20-plus years, and she says it’s embedded in her thinking and her actions. She brings that passion to her teaching in the School of Culture, Media, and Society. 

“My upbringing was to question and think and not buy the easy answer, and I’m the person who stirs the pot in terms of social sustainability,” Keziah says. “There’s a lot of emphasis on the environmental elements of the SDGs, but I’m always considering the social and cultural implications, and I encourage my students to do that too. 

“How can we address the environment without addressing hunger, inequality, and education? Those questions are still relatively new.”  

Chelsea, the lead researcher in UFV’s Community Health and Social Innovation (CHASI) Hub and an instructor in the School of Social Justice and Global Stewardship, wholeheartedly agrees.  

“Yes, we want to obviously be mindful of the environment, but there’s a lot that can be done socially that can have all sorts of positive benefits,” she notes. “My students have a general idea of what sustainability means, and there’s a lot of room for growth.” 

Chelsea is encouraged to see the wide range of offerings, including Beyond Blankets on March 4, Bubbling Bliss: A Fermentation Fiesta on March 12, Clothes the Loop on March 19, a Science Cafe on March 18, and Open Mic Night/Queeraoke on March 27. 

She’s particularly interested in Going for Goals: Sports and Sustainability on March 13. 

“My background includes research on women’s sports in Afghanistan,” Chelsea says. “As many know the Taliban took over in 2021, and it’s become very difficult for women to engage in sports in that country. It’s very important to think about how we ensure involvement in sports, and I’m very curious to hear what’s talked about at that event.” 

Chelsea is heartened by the work of UFV’s Office of Sustainability, and hopes faculty, staff, and students will check out as many March for Sustainability events as possible. 

“I see a lot of action around our campuses, and it’s great to see sustainability in practice,” Chelsea says. “We have the Sustainable Office Champions program that I’m a part of. There’s the new pollinator garden on the Abbotsford campus. There are great resources in our classrooms. I see the Office of Sustainability doing a lot of great work, and that’s why I’m so happy to support March for Sustainability.” 

There are three volunteer opportunities available for anyone wanting to get involved. Contact Jennifer Martel ( for more info. 

Find the full schedule of March for Sustainability events at this link and learn more about the Office of Sustainability at this link.