University of the Fraser Valley

Dr. James Mandigo appointed next UFV President and Vice-Chancellor 

Dr. James Mandigo appointed next UFV President and Vice-Chancellor 



Dr. James Mandigo has been appointed the next UFV President and Vice-Chancellor.

After an extensive and thorough search, the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) has appointed Dr. James Mandigo as its next President and Vice-Chancellor. He succeeds Dr. Joanne MacLean, who will retire in June.  

Mandigo, currently UFV’s Provost and VP Academic, served as acting president in 2023, and steered the university through a challenging time of transition post-COVID with his calm and level-headed leadership. 

“James is a passionate educator and the UFV Board of Governors views him as the ideal person to lead UFV into the future,” Board Chair John Pankratz said. “Building on the steady foundation that Dr. MacLean has created, we believe Dr. Mandigo will provide strong, strategic direction as the university continues to realize its vast potential.” 

Mandigo holds a PhD from the University of Alberta in Physical Education and Recreation, a Master of Arts in Child and Development Studies from Laurentian University, and a Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education from Wilfrid Laurier University. 

Before joining UFV in 2019, he held leadership roles at Brock University, including vice-provost, interim dean, and associate dean. He was also co-director for the Faculty of Health Sciences’ research Centre for Healthy Development through Sport and Physical Activity and held a faculty appointment in the Department of Kinesiology.  

An accomplished researcher, Mandigo has published 45 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and a book (Healthy schools, healthy Futures). He’s conducted workshops with educators and practitioners worldwide on topics including student-centred pedagogy, life skills education, physical literacy, and sport for development and peace. His work has been funded by organizations including the Social Science and Humanities Research Council, the International Olympic Committee’s Olympic Studies Centre, and Scotiabank International. 

Mandigo received a Distinguished Teaching award and a Teaching Excellence award at Brock and was formally recognized by the Government of El Salvador for his research and development work. He is a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award, Physical and Health Education Canada’s most prestigious honour. 

Over the last six years at UFV, Dr. Mandigo has played a pivotal role in the development of excellence in teaching, learning, scholarship, and service. He’s worked to ensure educational and research programs, faculty and staff recruitment, career development, and resource allocations are aligned with the university’s values, vision, strategic enrolment management plan, and strategic goals. 

Mandigo believes wholeheartedly in UFV’s mission statement — engaging learners, transforming lives, and building community. 

“I’ve always been impressed by how student-centred UFV is, how our faculty support our students in a thoughtful way that encourages academic and research excellence, and I’m truly struck by how well the university fosters collaborative relationships within the communities that we serve,” Mandigo said. “Our students, faculty, staff, and alumni have so many gifts to share. Collectively, we have great potential to be agents of change positively impacting the social and economic development of our communities.” 

Mandigo has played an important role in developing and implementing UFV’s Strategic Plan and Strategic Enrolment Management Plan and recent strategy for the redevelopment of the Mission campus.  He has worked closely with MacLean, who fully supports his candidacy for the role of president.  

As UFV wraps up 50th anniversary celebrations, she’s confident James will build on the momentum of UFV’s 50th anniversary year – engaging learners, transforming lives and building community – 50 years forward. 

“James is personable and warm, with a knack for connecting with people and making them feel heard,” MacLean observed. “This is an essential skill for a leader, particularly at UFV where collaborative work is so important. James also has a keen mind for strategic thinking, and I know he has great ideas in mind for the university’s future.” 

“Most importantly, James has forged deep ties within the Fraser Valley and understands the special relationship UFV has with its communities. All of this tells me that James is well-prepared for this new role, and I am very happy to know that the university will be in such capable hands.” 

Mandigo is supported by his family – Karen, Ben, Nathan, and Lillian – as he steps into this new role.