University of the Fraser Valley

Torres joins Science Café discussion about diabetes

Torres joins Science Café discussion about diabetes

Torres is a registered nurse and an instructor in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at UFV

A third speaker has been added to the UFV Library’s upcoming Science Café. Sherri Leon Torres joins Janelle Stzuhar and Iris Lesser at the Chilliwack campus library on Thursday, Nov 9 from noon to 1:30 pm for a discussion about living well with diabetes and how diet and exercise can impact diabetes management.

Torres is a registered nurse and an instructor in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program at UFV. She’s a former certified diabetes educator who travelled around British Columbia as part of a team serving First Nations communities.

“I have always been very interested in diabetes as the condition relates to food insecurity, especially in northern BC where food availability is a challenge and food prices continue to climb the further north you live,” Torres says.

Stzuhar brings first-hand experience to the discussion. A type-one diabetic for 20 years, the UFV alumna (BGS ‘17) and UFV Abbotsford librarian will offer her insights on living with the disease as a woman, a student, and an employee.

“I was diagnosed when I was eight years old, so managing diabetes has been something I’ve done for most of my life. But that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been difficult,” Stzuhar says. “Having a good mindset can go a long way in managing your health, because diabetes burnout is a thing. Having a support system is also important, and not only doctors and medical teams but your friends and family as well.”

Stzuhar will also speak about using different technologies, including an insulin pump and a continuous glucose monitor.

“I think the event will be valuable to so many people including those who have diabetes, loved ones who are a part of a support system, and people who don’t know much about it and want to know more,” she says. “When I share with people that I am a diabetic many of them have a story to share about a loved one, so I think this is a topic that a lot of people connect with. I am so interested to hear what the other presenter has to say and maybe even learn something myself.”

UFV professor Dr. Iris Lesser is an associate professor in UFV’s School of Kinesiology whose research focuses on providing more innovative ways for diverse populations to engage in physical activity as a means of improving physical and psychosocial health outcomes.

Science Cafés focus on current events in science and are presented in layperson’s language. Torres, Lesser and Stzuhar will speak for 10 minutes each before taking questions, and librarian Martin Warkentin will act as moderator.

The library will offer coffee and healthy treats, plus draw for door prizes.

The Chilliwack library is in building A at the Canada Education Park (45190 Caen Avenue).

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