University of the Fraser Valley

UFV Science Café looks at effects of drought in Fraser Valley

UFV Science Café looks at effects of drought in Fraser Valley

We’re supposed to be living in a rain forest, but this past summer it felt more like a semi-arid desert. Where’s all the water?

Learn about drought in the Fraser Valley at the UFV Chilliwack library’s second Science Café on Wednesday, Oct 11 from 10 to 11:30 am.

UFV Geoscience professor Scott Shupe, one of the featured speakers at the Oct 11 Science Café.

Science Café will feature Dr. Scott Shupe, a UFV Geoscience professor, and Dr. Eric Gerbrandt, UFV’s 2023 distinguished alumni award recipient. They will discuss B.C.’s drought situation in the aftermath of another scorching summer, the Chilliwack aquifer, and the environmental consequences of our changing climate.

With a rapidly growing population, Chilliwack will require more water to sustain its people, and the impact of extended droughts on its water source is of great concern. Shupe will talk about what can be done to protect vital sources of water. His recent research in the Lower Mainland and B.C.’s arid southwest region focusses on watershed water quality, land cover mapping, and 3D landscape modelling and geologic features.

Eric Gerbrandt holds a PhD in Plant Sciences from the University of Saskatchewan, as well as a BSc from UFV. His research focuses on developing new varieties of berries and finding better ways to manage berry crops. From 2021’s heat dome to a three-month dry spell in 2022, to a spike in temperature during the 2023 bloom period, weather conditions have had a significant negative impact on berry production in the Fraser Valley.

Dr. Eric Gerbrandt, UFV’s 2023 distinguished alumni award recipient, is a featured speaker at the Oct 11 Science Café.

Science cafés focus on current events in science and are presented in layperson’s language. The event includes a question-and-answer session and door prizes. The library is on the first floor of A building on the Chilliwack campus at Canada Education Park. Gerbrandt and Shupe will speak for 10-15 minutes before taking questions. Librarian Martin Warkentin will act as moderator.

The event is free, and the public is welcome. Coffee and cookies will be served.

For more info on UFV’s Science Café, email