Support for Türkiye and Syria

A message from Acting UFV President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. James Mandigo.
As you are aware, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake has rocked Türkiye (Turkey) and Syria leading to widespread damage and a rising death toll now estimated at over 20,000 people. Thousands more in both countries are injured or are left homeless.
The images and stories streaming from these devastated regions are heart wrenching and, on behalf of our entire university community, I extend our sincerest sympathies to all affected by this terrible disaster.
The university has welcomed students from both countries, and we know UFV employees, students, and community members have personal and professional connections with people from Türkiye and Syria. UFV has contacted students from these regions to offer our support and to provide advice and guidance during this difficult time.
You can support emergency aid on the ground through the Red Cross and the United Nations Refugee Agency. You can also help local efforts through the Vancouver Consulate General of Türkiye. In Vancouver, volunteers have set up a sorting and distribution centre at 580 Industrial Avenue to collect and pack materials for victims of the earthquake.
This devasting and ongoing event means many in our community may be feeling anguish and require support in dealing with this tragedy. Students may contact UFV counselling for resources or connect with UFV international through the Global Lounge.
The university has resources for employees available and if you are experiencing distress, please contact UFV’s confidential Employee and Family Assistance Programs.
Human Resources also offers Not Myself Today, an initiative of the Canadian Mental Health Association.
Our thoughts are with those affected by this tragic event.
Dr. James Mandigo
Acting President and Vice-Chancellor