University of the Fraser Valley

ShakeOut BC drill runs Thurs Oct 21 @ 10:21 am

ShakeOut BC drill runs Thurs Oct 21 @ 10:21 am

UFV is encouraging all students, staff, and faculty to participate in the Great British Columbia ShakeOut earthquake drill on Thursday, October 21 at 10:21 am.

It’s important to adapt this emergency skill to your environment, and practice in a COVID-safe way, be that on campus, or offsite.

During ShakeOut, UFV also tests the UFV Alert emergency notification system.

You will only receive a message from UFV Alert on your phone or device provided you are already registered with the system. Please ensure your UFV Alert information (your mobile number and email address) is up-to-date by checking here or you can register for the first time here.

During the ShakeOut drill participants should:

  • Drop to the ground
  • Cover under a table or desk
  • Hold On for 60 seconds

The public address systems on the Abbotsford and Chilliwack campuses will also be tested. If you are on campus, no evacuation will take place.

Participation is voluntary. For more information on how to participate in ShakeOut please visit The Great British Columbia ShakeOut where you will find resources including video tutorials on reacting to an earthquake in different scenarios.

If you have questions about the ShakeOut drill and UFV’s participation please submit an inquiry via

If you have questions about UFV Alert, please contact Daren McDonald, UFV communications specialist, at

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