University of the Fraser Valley

ShakeOut and UFV Alert: drop, cover, and hold on

ShakeOut and UFV Alert: drop, cover, and hold on


UFV is participating in The Great British Columbia ShakeOut earthquake drill on Thursday, October 19 at 10:19 am.

UFV Alert delivers important information to cell phones during an emergency or extreme weather event. It will be tested at the same time and if you’re a UFV student, faculty, or staff member, and registered with Alert, you’ll receive a text or email on your phone.

You can check to make sure your UFV Alert contact information (cell number and email address) is up to date here. If you’re new to UFV Alert, register before Oct. 19 for a chance to win an emergency kit.

You’ll also hear messages over the public address systems if you’re on the Abbotsford and Chilliwack campuses. No evacuation is necessary.

ShakeOut participation is voluntary. During the drill participants should:

·        Drop to the ground

·        Cover under a table or desk

·        Hold on for 60 seconds

If you have questions about UFV Alert, please contact

For information on the ShakeOut drill and UFV’s participation, please contact