University of the Fraser Valley
Tori Thistlethwaite

Opportunities for self-improvement and skill development abound with UFV Continuing Education

Opportunities for self-improvement and skill development abound with UFV Continuing Education

Tori ThistlethwaiteGoing back to school isn’t just for kids. UFV Continuing Education offers many opportunities for adults to learn new skills and improve their effectiveness on the job and in life in general.

Check out the Fall 2017 Continuing Education course offerings here.

Continuing Education manager Susan Francis recommends keeping an open mind when looking into program offerings. For example, the courses in UFV’s Public Relations certificate program aren’t just for people planning a full-time career in the field.

“Many of us are finding that we are doing social media for our employer off the side of our desk, or writing for the company website, or performing some marketing functions,” she notes. “Taking courses from our PR program can really help develop your skills in this area.”

If you want to take courses from the PR certificate program without being admitted to the program, you can ask permission by emailing

Similarly, skills from the field of graphic and digital design are in demand from employers, even if you’re not planning to be a full-time graphic designer.  Through Continuing Education’s Centre for Creative Development you can learn about the basics of “good” design, Photoshop and In-Design skills, and other creative topics.

Want to learn an effective way of making decisions in your professional life? Check out the Evidence-Based Decision Making course, to help you learn to organize, review, and evaluate within the decision-making process.

Continuing Education also offers a wide range of First Aid courses, offerings for the home gardener, computer skills courses, a writer’s weekend retreat, trades programming, health topics such as mindfulness, and much more.

To check out everything UFV Continuing Education has to offer, visit