University of the Fraser Valley

Obituary: Henry Speer

Obituary: Henry Speer

Many at UFV will be saddened to hear that Dr. Henry Speer, a biology instructor and one of our early faculty members, passed away on May 13, 2016.

A memorial service will be held this Thursday, May 19, at 5 pm in the Homestead Room at the Royal Hotel, corner of Wellington and Main, Chilliwack. All who knew Henry are invited to attend.

Henry was one of the earliest faculty members in the Science department at UFV, teaching biology from 1977 to 1995. He served as head of the College Advisory Council, a precursor to today’s Senate, in the 197os.

He also served as Science program head at a time before there were separate departments for the various science disciplines, and was instrumental in the planning and design of the Bachelor of Science degree, which was launched in 1992. He was one of the authors of the first lab manuals used by biology students in the 1970s. He retired as head of the Biology department in 1995.

Dr. Henry Speer with a student in an undated photo.

His children Mike, Rachel, and Sharon, and their spouses, as well as Henry’s  grandson Carter, were all able to visit him in his last few days before he passed away peacefully. He was predeceased by his wife Pat in 2010.

​​Flowers may be sent to the Royal Hotel, 45886 Wellington Ave, Chilliwack.

His family would love to read any letters, anecdotes or memories at Henry’s service — these can be emailed to: 


If any of Henry’s friends or colleagues would like to personally say a few words or recount a story at the service, they are welcome to do so. Please email the family at the above address if you’d like to do so.