UDistrict campus and neighbourhood planning project launched

ABBOTSFORD April 8, 2015 – The City of Abbotsford and the University of the Fraser Valley are undertaking a collaborative initiative to shape the future of the UDistrict, announced Abbotsford Mayor Henry Braun and UFV President, Dr. Mark Evered today.
In May of 2012, Abbotsford City Council officially endorsed a 30-year planning concept or Vision for the area adjacent to the UFV campus. Today, UFV and the City have partnered to take that Vision to the next level.
“This partnership project between the City of Abbotsford and UFV presents a rare opportunity to shape the future of an important neighbourhood in a growing part of the Lower Mainland and the province,” said Braun. “The UDistrict’s strategic location will provide substantial opportunities for commercial development, residential development, employment and University expansion far into the future.”
The partnership initiative includes the development of a UDistrict Neighbourhood Plan and a fully compatible and integrated UFV Abbotsford Campus Master Plan. Beginning with the original UDistrict Vision and Campus Master Plan, this integrated approach will deliver two highly effective plans for managing growth and redevelopment.
“The University is pleased to be collaborating with the City of Abbotsford to develop our UDistrict. Together, we envision a vibrant, enriched and inclusive neighbourhood where creative minds live, work, play, and learn together,” said Evered. “UDistrict will connect our campus and community, building on the best of what our residents, businesses, students, teachers and researchers bring to the social, cultural and economic development of our city.”
The UDistrict Neighbourhood Plan will complete the planning process that began with the Vision document, and will provide a detailed roadmap for future development in the UDistrict. The UFV Abbotsford Campus plan will create a roadmap for future growth on the campus to meet the educational needs of the next generation of learners while enhancing the UFV campus experience. The Campus plan will look beyond the boundaries of the existing campus to develop a university village, embracing the surrounding neighbourhood.
(Flickr gallery of the UDistrict Launch.)
Community consultation on the plan began today and will continue throughout the year. Residents, students, and staff are encouraged to provide their input and can start by completing a short survey about how to become involved.
For more information please contact:
Dave Pinton
Director, Communications,
University of the Fraser Valley
dave.pinton@ufv.ca T: 778.808.5661
Katherine Treloar
Director, Communications,
City of Abbotsford
T: 604-557-4421