University of the Fraser Valley

UFV’s board looks for nominations for Betty Urquhart community service award

UFV’s board looks for nominations for Betty Urquhart community service award

Rod Thomson (UFV Board Chair at the time) congratulates Abbotsford's Dr. Elizabeth Watts as he presents the Betty Urquhart Community Service award last year. Dr. Murakami of Hope also accepted a Betty U award, on behalf of his wife Patricia.


Do you know an individual or a group who has made the Fraser Valley a better place to live? Those people who make everyday contributions to their community but may not be recognized? Consider nominating them for the Betty Urquhart annual community service award.

Betty Urquhart was one of the first employees of Fraser Valley College (now UFV) and believed strongly in the values volunteering and giving back to the community. While Betty passed away in 1995, UFV keeps her memory alive by honouring a person or group who exemplifies her commitment to life-long learning and community.

With several outstanding nominees in 2011, two Fraser Valley community supporters were recognized. Both Abbotsford’s Dr. Elizabeth Watt and Hope’s Patricia Murakami were awarded the Betty Urquhart Community Service Award in recognition of their efforts to improve the quality of life for people in their towns.  Dr. Watt is well known in Abbotsford for her work with the Abbotsford Youth Health Centre.  Murakami was recognized for her over 40 years of work with the Tillicum Centre, which provides support to community members with disabilities.

Other past winners of the annual Betty Urquhart award include:
•    the Yarrow Volunteer Society in recognition of their ongoing commitment to run the Yarrow community hall
•    Abbotsford’s Milt Walker for his volunteer work with the Reach Gallery Museum
•    Pat and Peggy Wiens of Hope for their Soup’s On lunch program
•    Mission resident Tara Scheirer for her work organizing the Warm Zone, a temporary cold weather homeless shelter
•    Hope’s Heather Stewin for starting a children’s reading program
•    Chilliwack’s Gwen Point for her role in launching the annual Chilliwack Powwow
•    Abbotsford’s Ann Dyble for her contribution to the UCFV community women’s centre
•    Elsie Goerzen for the Sardis Doorway program she founded as a drop-in for single mothers, and
•    Harrison’s Ruth Altendorf  for her community work with a senior’s hiking club and music group.

The award is presented as part of the university’s annual convocation ceremony in June. Recognizing community volunteers at convocation inspires students to contribute and give back to their communities. It’s all part of UFV’s commitment to changing lives and building community.”

If you’d like to nominate someone for the Betty Urquhart community service award, review the criteria and download a nomination form at, or contact Lori Ann Waites at 1-888-504-7441 (local 4521) or by email at .

The deadline for this year’s nominations is Friday, March 16.

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