University of the Fraser Valley

UFV hosts Learning Outcomes Project open house

UFV hosts Learning Outcomes Project open house

Nearly 100 participants helped outline the knowledge, skills, abilities and values that every UFV student should develop – from communication skills to environmental awareness.

University staff, faculty, and students were joined by community members at UFV’s Institutional Learning Outcomes open house on Thursday afternoon in Abbotsford to have their input on the subject.

“It was so encouraging to see sincere and vibrant support to create a document that will answer the question ‘Why study at UFV?’,” said Scott Varga, event organizer.

The collaborative project, facilitated by the Teaching and Learning Advisory Council, has seen ongoing discussions throughout the fall and winter, which will culminate in a final document at the close of UFV’s Professional Development Day, May 1, 2012.

UFV’s Learning Outcomes will become a guiding document in the implementation of UFV’s strategic goals, including program review, program development, and program and planning priorities.

“The overall sense was that people understood the gravity of the creation and definition of UFV’s Institutional Learning Outcomes, and participated fully and with enthusiasm,” said Varga. “There was great input from the collective group with new suggestions and edits of the existing submitted ideas.”

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