Simon Gibson launches office politics column
Business admin sessional Simon Gibson, also a 30-year councillor for the City of Abbotsford, has found a niche for a newspaper column and filled it. His weekly column on office politics (which you can see at ) is now running in 25 newspapers throughout British Columbia including in such communities as Kelowna, Burnaby, Langley, Campbell River, Kamloops and Nanaimo.
OfficePolitics101’s theme of “Flourishing at Work” appeals to a wide audience and, in particular, attracts a regular readership of younger adults, ages 18-40. Topics cover virtually every aspect of work focus on the interpersonal aspects of being a successful and valued employee, supervisor, and manager. Communications issues, among others, are discussed from a number of thoughtful (and often entertaining) perspectives.
He is getting lots of material for columns from reader feedback, and covers such topics as:
• “My boss never gives me a compliment”
• “I’m on a committee and can’t stand it”
• “My co-workers earn more than I do”
• “I feel like I’m stuck in a rut”
• “My boss looks at ‘bad things’ on his computer.