Building Trust Across Cultures — Sept 29

Trusting relationships are at the foundation of inclusivity. In professional settings, the actions and experiences that establish trust can differ across individuals and cultures. In this workshop, we will: • discuss why taking time for trust-building is vital in multicultural interactions and teams. • define different orientations to trust-building and locate our own orientation. • … Read more

Policy Revision: Grading System (101) policy

As part of a six-week consultation, the University Secretariat invites the UFV community to submit collaborative or individual feedback on the revisions to the Grading System (101) policy, Please submit your comments to by the deadline 4 pm Wed, Oct 4, 2023. For more information, contact Marlene Affleck at 10/05/2023

Policy workshop

This workshop is geared towards those at UFV who are involved in researching, writing, revising, or supervising policy work. The workshop will be held later in the fall. Please contact if you are interested in attending. For more information, contact Marlene Affleck at 09/16/2023

Backyard flix — Top Gun: Maverick on the campus green — Sept 8

SUS and UFV International will host an outdoor movie night featuring Top Gun: Maverick. Snacks and pop will be provided, but make sure to secure your ticket! Fri, Sept 8 7-10:30 pm Abbotsford campus green For more information, contact Gabriella Wertheimer Cinque at 09/08/2023

Building Solidarity: Anti-casteism at UFV — Sept 19

Please join us in lending support and building solidarity for anti-casteism at UFV by attending an event in collaboration with the UFV Library on September 19 in the UFV Library Rotunda at 11am. On this day, we will install a painting of Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (the architect of the Indian constitution and a visionary … Read more

Power & IT outages this Saturday, Aug 19

What do I need to know? Significant power and IT outages are scheduled for this Saturday, August 19. Where and when? Power outage: Electricity will be shut down to Abbotsford Buildings G and H (Lá:lem te Baker) between 8 am and 12 noon Sat, Aug 19. IT outage: IT services will be suspended on all … Read more

Senate standing committees – Call for expressions of interest

Expressions of interest continue to be sought from non-senator faculty, staff and students to serve on Senate’s standing committees, for the available positions listed on the Standing Committee Vacancies web page. Positions are available on the Academic Planning and Prioriities, Awards and Honours, Faculty Standards, Indigenization, and Research Committees. Terms of office are two years, … Read more