MicroCourse 3 — Assessments — Sept 17

MicroCourse 3 — Online Teaching Fundamentals – Assessments This MicroCourse will cover assessment options and tools in Blackboard Date(s): Thurs, Sept 17 from 2-3 pm Facilitator: Michelle Johnson – Educational Developer, and Claire Hay – Teaching and Learning Specialist These series of MicroCourses will introduce the essential Blackboard tools, but the primary objective of these … Read more

WeVu — Wed, Sept 9

What is a WeVu Webinar? A platform that can host videos made by students and faculty. WeVu allows video annotations and time-stamped feedback. An easy to use tool where students and instructors can comment inline with a video. – – http://events.ufv.ca/tlc/events/wevu-workshop-3/ For more information, contact Leah Lyon at tlcevents@ufv.ca 09/09/2020

Blackboard Ally Workshop — Sept 11

Blackboard Ally is making course content accessible. Blackboard Ally is an accessibility application that works with Blackboard to help ensure that your digital course content is accessible by learners. Ally provides course content in accessible formats, including electronic braille and audio files. Workshop: Fri, Sept 11 from 11 am-12 pm   http://events.ufv.ca/tlc/events/blackboard-ally-workshop-2/ For more information, … Read more

Zoom Workshop — Sept 8

Zoom is a great online meeting app! Zoom is an alternative to Collaborate Ultra. With more participants’ video feeds and stability, Zoom is a great for meeting your students out of Blackboard. However, Zoom needs installation of an app. Workshop: Tues, Sept 8 from 2-3 pm   http://events.ufv.ca/tlc/events/zoom-workshop-3/ For more information, contact Leah Lyon at … Read more

MicroCourse 4 — Create a Compelling Discussion Forum — Sept 10

MicroCourse 4 – Online Teaching Fundamentals – Discussion Forum This MicroCourse will cover student-led discussions, self and peer assessment, grading and assessing student activity Date(s): Thursday, September 10 from 10 – 11 am Facilitator: Ken Harmel, Learning Designer These series of MicroCourses will introduce the essential Blackboard tools, but the primary objective of these MicroCourses … Read more

MicroCourse 1 — Course Organization (Blackboard Essentials) — Sept 22

MicroCourse 1 – Online Teaching Fundamentals – Course Organization (Blackboard Essentials) This MicroCourse will cover basic community building, navigation, and assessment tools Tues, Sept 22 11 am-12 pm Facilitator: Michelle Johnson, Educational Developer These series of MicroCourses will introduce the essential Blackboard tools, but the primary objective of these MicroCourses is the pedagogy behind the … Read more

Online Digital Safety with Telus — Sept 15

Empowering you to stay safe in our digital world focuses on topics including living in a digital society, internet, smartphone and social media safety. Participants will be entered into winning a $50 gift certificate. Tues, Sept 15 4-5 pm https://mycampuslife.ufv.ca/event/163984 For more information, contact Sheila McKay at sheila.mckay@ufv.ca 09/16/2020

UFV Alumni Association AGM — Sept 23; register by Sept 16

Please join us on Wednesday, September 23 at 7 pm for the UFV Alumni Association Annual General Meeting to be followed by a virtual awards celebration and the launch of the 2020 UFV Alumni Commemorative Wine. Wed, Sept 23 Zoom 7 pm Registration is required. Please register online by September 16, 2020. You will receive … Read more

UFV Learning Tools — PeerScholar Workshop — Aug 31

A great way for students to learn from their peers using self and peer assessment. This is a very structured yet flexible way to provide self and peer assessments. The app is free. Workshop Schedule: PeerScholar  — Mon, Aug 31 at 9:30 am   http://events.ufv.ca/tlc/events/peerscholar-training/ For more information, contact Leah Lyon at tlcevents@ufv.ca 08/31/2020