Financial Aid & Awards Tips for August

If you know a student attending UFV in September, they might want to know about these August Tips of the Month from Financial Aid and Awards Tip #1. Need a student loan for September? It’s not too late! On-line applications are available at Tip #2: If you are applying for student loans be sure … Read more

Health Sciences Student Welcome Back BBQ and Vendor Fair

Are you a new or returning student in kinesiology, dental assisting, nursing, or health care? Welcome to the Faculty of Health Sciences! You’ll love it here. We invite you to join our first annual student welcome back barbecue! Hosted by the Faculty of Health Sciences Dean’s Office, the event welcomes new and returning health sciences … Read more

Raabe presents at International Conference on Philosophical Practice in Mexico

How does philosophy merge with education and mental healthcare to improve the lives of people outside the academies and clinics? This was an important part of the general theme of the 15th International Conference on Philosophical Practice, held at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), in Mexico City from June 25 to 29. Conference … Read more

Yvon Dandurand retirement and appreciation event — Aug 16

We will be acknowledging Yvon’s service to UFV and congratulating him on his upcoming retirement. This will be an informal event with a short speakers list. Everyone from UFV and the community is invited. Thurs, Aug 16 1-3 pm BH100A — Harvest Table (open area beside lecture theatre) For more information, contact Cherish Forster at … Read more

Fraser Valley Literature Festival at UFV — Sept 21 & 22

The festival will be held in the Student Union Building on Friday, September 21 from 6-8pm with an evening reception and keynote address shared by Billeh Nickerson, Renee Saklikar, and Carleigh Baker the night before (Friday). The festival continues on Sat, Sept 22, from 9 am-3:30 pm, The Saturday speakers are listed below. The festival … Read more

Indigenous Foodways display in the Abbotsford library

The Abbotsford library has a new display for the summer of 2018: Indigenous Foodways: the story so far from UFV Library’s Special Collections. Highlighting material from the Newman Western Canadian Cookbook Collection as well as a number of titles from the Heritage Collection, viewers can get a sense of how food practices and knowledge were … Read more

Workplace Education Associate (WEA) certificate offered

Combine your program of choice with the four WEA certificate courses for this value-added expertise to teach or design programs related to your field of study. All BA AE courses are online with some face-to-face sessions per semester. Distance students attend these sessions using video conferencing tools. If you are currently in a program, an … Read more

Get connected to whats happening on campus with myCampusLife

myCampusLife is your way to connect with other students, events, and opportunities on campus. With myCampusLife, you can: Build your Co-Curricular Record by participating in out-of-classroom events and experiences. This official record can help you as you apply for jobs or graduate school and is a great addition to scholarship applications. Take advantage of workshops, … Read more

Unique course offerings in media and theatre

Learn an array of skills that employers — both inside and outside the arts — demand and that are essential for our knowledge economy. Coming-to-YOU this fall (2018): MEDA 100 (Intro to Media Arts) — Introduce yourself to careers, practices, opportunities, challenges, and modes of thinking in the field of media arts. Visit: THEA … Read more