School of Business Research Development seminar a success

The UFV School of Business Research Development program facilitated a focus-group research seminar on Fri, Feb 13. This half-day, hands-on workshop introduced different types of qualitative research techniques such as observation techniques, in-depth interviews, focus groups, projective techniques, ethnographies, semiotics, as well as other qualitative methods.
Participants viewed and analyzed a short video presentation of an actual focus group session, and had the opportunity to conduct two mock focus-group interviews, which were followed by a general discussion involving all attendees.

David Dobson, School of Business faculty member and facilitator of the event, called the event a success which included attendees from across disciplines in the university.
Rod Hayward, a fellow Business faculty member who attended the event, found that the event was an “enlightening experience which introduced research methods for areas in which [he] may choose to do research” and left the seminar with a “much clearer understanding of how to use this research method.”
“The Research Development Program at the UFV School of Business has been established to support us in achieving our strategic goal to engage in research and scholarly activities that will drive excellence in all of our work,” notes Dr. Frank Ulbrich, Director of the School of Business, explains. The program has been designed to help both early career faculty and those who would like to freshen up on their existing knowledge and skills. Other seminars in the Research Development program have included Research Ethics, Identifying your Research Area, and Doing a Systematic Literature Review, with more events planned for the future.
Although offered by the UFV School of Business, all seminars and workshops in the Research Development program are open to all post-graduate students and faculty at UFV.

The current offerings in the Research Development program can be viewed here.


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