UFV Lifesaver campaign final results

IMG_2414-reduxFinal results are in!

Stemming from an identified need to help students in need of emergency funding, last year we helped 236 students each overcome a sudden, unexpected crisis.

In 2013, we generated $20,000 and more than $100,000 since the campaign began in 2010.

This year we challenged you to do more. And, you responded.

Caring employees and friends raised the bar 42.5% higher in 2014.

I’m proud to announce that together, we have raised $28,500!

Thank you!

The need is still there, and you can help.

Please look for “Lifesaver” menu items at the Cascade Cafe.

Sodexo announced that they will continue to support the Lifesaver campaign by donating back partial proceed from special “Lifesaver” menu items*.

Tell your friends and at lunch, why not head down to the cafeteria and enjoy a Lifesaver burger or cinnamon roll with a cup of coffee?

Bring your own mug for a cup of coffee and you will be helping students in need at the same time as reducing waste in the environment.

See the UFV Flickr page for photos from the Wrap up celebration. Cake was had by all!


For more information, contact Sheila Reimer at sheila.reimer@ufv.ca
