Extended consolidation of three policies: Course Requisites, Change in Course Prerequisites, and Advance Placement

The policies Course Requisites (84), Change in Course Prerequisites (88), and Advance Placement (77), all relate to course prerequisites and/or co-requisites, despite the varied terminology. The secretariat, in keeping with our efforts to streamline the policy manual, would like to create a single policy on this topic.

The title will be changed to Prerequisites and Co-requisites; “prerequisites” and” co-requisites” are the standard terms used at UFV and in Canadian post-secondary education, so this title will help users find this policy more easily in a search.

The University Secretariat is extending the consultation period in case someone was unable to provide feedback during the initial consultation. The University Secretariat invites the UFV community to submit collaborative or individual feedback to Elaine Harris at Elaine.Harris@ufv.ca.

Deadline: Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 4 pm

The draft policy is available on the Secretariat webpage at: http://www.ufv.ca/secretariat/policies_review/

For more information, contact Lisa McMartin at lisa.mcmartin@ufv.ca
