No place for hate at UFV

Recent events at home and abroad demonstrate how important it is that UFV strives to be an inclusive and welcoming community, where individual gifts are nurtured, shared, and celebrated.

When people in our community are experiencing fear and uncertainty, have been targets of hate, or are not able to be their true selves due to intimidation and ignorance, we need to stand together and be that supportive community for one another.

It’s difficult and disturbing when we see our core values of integrity, inclusivity, and community being challenged in these ways. Please remember that creating a safe, inclusive, and welcoming University is a daily commitment we must all make. Also know that we have a wide variety of services available to help through challenging times.

If you know students who are experiencing distress or having difficulty coping, please share the range of resources available through the UFV Counselling web page and the Student Support Centre.

UFV employees can contact Homewood Health in confidence at 1-800-663-1142, or visit the UFV benefits page for more information on Employee and Family assistance.