How established agricultural firms strategically renew their technology portfolios through Artificial Intelligence

Little is known about how incumbents strategically renew themselves by implementing AI technologies to exploit new technology opportunities or explore new technological paths. By drawing upon patent data of the 16 most active global agricultural companies, we explore how incumbents rely on different types of AI-based inventions to follow discontinuous or incremental renewal strategies. Our results indicate that some incumbents focus on implementing AI technologies that serve new-to-company applications at an early stage. Others specify the usage of AI to extend the existing technology portfolio before exploiting new market opportunities.

Speaker profile:
Dr. Michael Wustmans is a research associate (post-doc) at the Chair of Technology, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Bonn, Germany, where he is leading the research group ‘Technology Dynamics’. His research focuses on technological change driven by economic transitions and its impact on actors’ strategic renewal behavior. He obtained his PhD at the University of Bremen, Germany, where he focused on patent intelligence for decision-making. Currently, as a visiting scholar at the Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Michael explores how actors position themselves in the emerging ecosystem of green hydrogen.

Wed, Feb 16
11:30 am
AB K180

For more information, contact Elicia Tournier at
