Policy Consultation: Transfer Credit policy.

As part of a six-week consultation (taking into account the holiday break), the University Secretariat invites the UFV community to submit collaborative or individual feedback on the Transfer Credit (#107) policy, regulations and procedures. As the revisions are a significant departure from the current document, there is not a track-change version.

Please submit your comments to policyconsult@ufv.ca by the deadline of 4 pm, February 4, 2022.

As there is likely to be broad interest in the revised policy and the proposals could generate questions from the academic and administrative staff involved in the of evaluation of transfer credit, we will hold a Policy 107 Town Hall on Thursday January 13. From 3-4 pm on the Abbotsford campus, A225. This is likely to be a hybrid session with in-person and on-line participation, and we will release details shortly after we return from the holiday break. The session will be hosted by David Johnston, University Registrar.

The Transfer Credit (#107) policy has been reworked to make clear at a policy level, what we are trying to achieve as well as affirm our institutional principles on transfer credit and assign responsibilities for assessing credit. The rewritten regulations and procedures have been separated from the policy document and attempt to modernize and clarify our processes, while relieving academic units with the burden of assessing all transfer credits. The policy redevelopment process has involved several individuals and at least one committee. Input has been received and incorporated into the version being presented. Additional contributions to this important topic are welcomed.

Thank you for your input


For more information, contact Marlene Affleck at marlene.affleck@ufv.ca
