Provost’s Lunch and Learn — SEM plan — Dec 8

Provost and VP Academic Lunch and Learn — Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) Plan

Under the direction of the Provost and Vice-President Academic, UFV has initiated the process of developing a 10-year strategic enrolment management (SEM) plan. Building off of UFV’s integrated strategic plan — IYAQÁWTXW: House of Transformation, the SEM plan is intended to provide a clear pathway of how our enrolments are aligned with and supportive of our institutional goals. Dr. James Mandigo, Provost and VP Academic, will be providing an outline of UFV’s process for developing its next SEM plan and outlining how members of the UFV community can provide input and feedback into its development including at the Lunch and Learn session.

Wed, Dec 8
Noon to 1 pm
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 668 9575 0801
Passcode: 000099

No RSVP is required…I hope you can join us.

Nicole Hitchens

For more information, contact Nicole Hitchens at
