Open Education Working Group meeting — Oct 5

Over the past year, there has been some progress on open education initiatives at UFV. UFV was the recipient of a BC Campus Open Education Foundations Grant for Institutions, and with matching funds from the Provost’s Office, this grant is funding the pilot Open Education Faculty Fellows program:

In order to build on this progress, the next best step is to form an institutional open education working group. While the exact mandate and nature of this group would need to be determined by its members, its general purpose would be to influence and guide the growth of an open education culture at UFV. Ideally, its membership would consist of representatives from each faculty division as well as support departments such as the Library, Teaching & Learning, the Bookstore, and others; student representation is also necessary. A realistic schedule might be five to six meetings per year. A resource that could inform next steps:

If you are interested in joining us at an initial meeting on October 5 from 2-3.30 pm, please send an email to for the Zoom meeting link.

We look forward to seeing you.
Claire Hay and Martin Warkentin

For more information, contact Claire Hay at
