Election for student reps on Science Faculty Council — voting closes Oct 2

The Science Faculty Council has received the following nominations for student representatives to serve from October 2020 through to May 2021.

1. Connor FREY (statement included)
2. Jasdeep GILL (statement included)
3. Kylie HERMAN (statement included)
4. Kennth KU
5. Steven PANKRATZ (statement included)
6. Jordan PENNER (statement included)
7. Kabeer POONIA (statement included)
8. Amneek RANDHAWA
The following candidate statements have also been submitted:
· Connor Frey
As an upcoming third-year student, I have the unique perspective on matters in the university regarding the department of science; I’ve spent enough time to know what matters to the students, and have enough time in my degree left to ensure the students voice can be heard in the long-term. As a student representative of the Science Faculty Council, not only will I be able to aid in the implementation of the policies which benefit the student body as a whole, and also get the opportunity to make meaningful connections within the UFV staff and be kept informed of the news within the department. Further, as a student who’s heavily involved in research on campus, the latter two are extremely beneficial. Moreover, having insight into the “behind the scenes” of operations during the COVID-era at UFV will aid in the development of my own leadership and problem-solving skills.

· Jasdeep Gill
Hello Students! I am currently a fifth year biology major who would like to ensure your voices are being represented at the Science Faculty Council. I will use my position to advocate for student interests in regards to UFV courses, events and research opportunities. I look forward to this opportunity. Thanks.

· Kylie Herman
Hello fellow science students! My name is Kylie Herman and I would like to represent you on the Science Faculty Council. I am currently in my fifth and final year of the Bachelor of Science program with a biology major and chemistry minor. I promise to fulfill this role to the best of my ability and help make decisions that will benefit all science students. Your best interests are my top priority and I will make sure that your views and opinions are heard. I would love to be a voice for you so that we can make positive changes to our university. Thank you!

· Steven Pankratz
Hi, my name is Steven Pankratz, a fourth year biology major. I would find it a privilege to represent the science students if I were to receive a position on the Science Faculty Council. I would love to be a representative for the science student body at UFV and make their concerns and opinions known to the council. Though the UFV halls might be silent, our voice won’t be! Thank you science students for your consideration, I’m looking forward to potentially representing you all!

· Jordan Penner
Hi, my name is Jordan Penner. I am going into my fifth and final year here at UFV. I am a biology major and chemistry minor. Over the past few years at UFV I have had the opportunity to be involved with the UFV science faculty in a variety of capacities. I have conducted research with some of the chemistry faculty, attended conferences with faculty and have supported first year chemistry courses as an SLG leader. I would be honored to be given the opportunity to represent the science students of UFV this coming year as a faculty representative and to help voice issues that we face.

· Kabeer Poonia
Hello Everyone, my name is Kabeer Poonia. I am currently a fourth-year Bachelor of Science student at UFV completing a biology major and chemistry minor. As it is my last year at UFV I am committed to making a difference and being involved in vital decisions being made at our school. I am presently an executive member of the UFV Biology and Chemistry Student Association as well as an SLG leader for first-year biology students. If given the opportunity I would like to add to these roles and be able to uphold and represent the interests of the student body in council meetings.

VOTING INSTRUCTIONS: Please submit your vote via email to nomelec.sci@ufv.ca for NO MORE THAN TWO of the above candidates. Voting will close Friday October 2, 2020 at 5 pm.