Online workshops for spring 2020 — starting April 15

Spring 2020 – Online Workshops

Week of April 13


Home Ergonomics

The remote education session will provide participants with practical knowledge about how to set themselves up correctly in their home work space and how to work safely.  MoveSafe focuses on the importance of integrating lots of movement breaks into the employees day and how to use the employees available furniture to create a usable workstation. MoveSafe will explore different workstation options and the importance of using more than one set-up to vary working postures.  Also covered are safe ergonomic behaviours, best practices, and they will get everyone up to practice recovery exercises as a group.


Date & Location:                April 15, 2020

                                                      1:00 PM – 2:00 PM


Facilitator:                             Mandy Gallant, MoveSafe (Canada)




MS Teams Orientation

This session will cover the basics of MSTeams including getting started and using features for Chat, Video calls, Teams, Channels and meetings

Date & Location:                April 15, 2020

                                                      9:00 AM – 10:00 AM


Facilitator:                             Michael Levesque



Developing a Professional Growth Plan

We are surrounded by great teachers and engaged students at UFV, how engaged are you in your own learning?  Do you feel that spark of excitement about your own professional learning? Having a professional growth plan provides focus and intention to your professional learning.   How do we incorporate and ask for feedback to ensure we are working on the right things? How do you balance areas that you want to explore with areas that you feel you need to improve on?  During this interactive session we will define an area of focus for your personalized plan and develop goals and activities to work on for the year ahead.


Date & Location:             April 16, 2020

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM


Facilitator:                           Marnie Wright, AVP, HR




Self-care as Stewardship: Sustaining Wellness through challenge, uncertainty & change

This workshop addresses the needs we all have in relation to the development of self and self-care practices.  Excellent self-care needs to be integrated into our lives to be able to sustain a quality of professional functioning over time. We will explore self-care as stewardship, managing personal resources during difficult times, and how to integrate wellness practices and increase equanimity personally and professionally.

Date & Location:                April 16th, 2020

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Online – Bluejeans

Facilitator:                             Christine Slavik




Online WHMIS Training – Workplace Hazardous Material Information System

After an initial orientation about WHMIS and our program at UFV, individuals will work in a self-directed format through the modules of training using Blackboard.  It is important that all UFV colleagues understand the key elements of the system: hazard classification, labelling of containers and safety data sheets.

Date & Location:                April 17th, 2020

12:00 PM – 12:30 PM

Online – Bluejeans

Facilitator:                             David Shayler





Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course


Scientific evidence of the health and mental health benefits of mindfulness derive principally from studies of this 8-week MBSR program. Over the eight weeks, you participate in a range of accessible mindfulness practices in virtual (Zoom) classes and at home, practices designed to help participants learn to manage stress and emotional and physical health challenges within a safe group environment. The course entails weekly 2.5-hour virtual sessions, 45 minutes of daily home practices, and a 4-hour virtual silent retreat. The program is based on the template developed by Jon Kabat Zinn of the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine. This course will be co-facilitated by Dr. Seonaigh MacPherson, Professor and Coordinator of the MBTL grad certificate program at UFV and Kulli Yee, workplace mindfulness trainer and administrator with Vancity and graduate student in the MBTL program. Seonaigh has Level 2 certification in MBSR with the Centre for Mindfulness Studies in Toronto and Kulli is completing her Level 1 MBSR certification under supervision with the Centre and the MBTL program.

Orientation: Thursday, April 16 (6:00 – 7:00 PM)

Virtual Classes: Thursday, April 23 – June 18 (no class Jun 4)

Virtual Silent Retreat: Saturday, May 30 (8:30 am – 12:30 pm)

Register:  Email Tara Rozenek at