Marketing forum — April 25

Help UFV build a community of practice in marketing and communications!

Inaugural meeting of UFV’s marketing and communications practitioners

Thurs, April 25
12-1:30 pm (lunch is provided)
Abby D119

Who should come? Anyone who has responsibility for or who informally does any kind of communications or marketing in their role at UFV is welcome.

How we do marketing and communications at UFV has evolved. We have slowly been moving away from a centralized model to one where much of the day-to-day work is done in the faculties and departments by the people who interact with our students — both current and prospective — as well as our faculty, alumni and other constituents. This is a positive development that also brings challenges — particularly the age-old challenge of working in silos.

You are invited to join us for some silo-busting over lunch on Thur, April 25. The aim is to create a marketing and communications community of practice, where we can share ideas, get advice and build a collection of best practices and resources that will help all of us do our best work.

Please share this invitation with anyone you think could get value from this community – and please RSVP here so we can order the right amount of food.

For more information contact Auriel Niven at
