Scholarly Sharing: Perspectives on Canadian Literature — Oct 25

Ceilidh Hart (UFV)—“Reading the City, the Classroom, and the Community in Sachiko Murakami’s Rebuild”

Eugenia Sojka (U of Silesia and Adjunct Professor, UFV)—“Transcultural dialogues on Indigeneity. The decolonial turn in the studies of cultures and literatures in Canada and Poland.”

The Scholarly Sharing Initiative is an informal monthly gathering of faculty, students and interested others to share, discuss, present, and receive feedback about their scholarly work. This initiative is based in the College of Arts but all UFV community members are encouraged and welcome to attend and present. The SSI is an organic environment designed to foster intellectual discussions. Delicious light lunch is provided during the 1.5-hour sessions to encourage collegiate sharing and discussion.

Thurs, Oct 25
1:15-2:45 pm
Abby F 125

For more information, contact Melissa Walter at
