Barbara Messamore article in Globe & Mail

Dr. Barbara Messamore of UFV’s History department published an article in Wednesday’s online edition of the Globe and Mail (Jan 8) about the Fathers of Confederation. Dr Messamore replies to celebrated author Richard Gwyn who has argued that Sir John A. Macdonald was the key person who created Confederation in 1864-7. Dr Messamore argues that the crucial member of the coalition team was Macdonald’s enemy, George Brown, who buried his differences in the public good. Brown was also founder of the Globe, forerunner of the Globe & Mail.
Says UFV adjunct professor Ged Martin, a lifelong student of 1867, “The historical debate about the causes of Confederation has too often been a private chat between central Canadian profs. It’s good to see somebody from B.C. taking on the big guys.”

