Are you looking for valuable work experience in your field of study? Supported Learning Group (SLG) leaders facilitate weekly study sessions for historically difficult courses, helping students develop transferable learning skills/strategies and apply them to course content.
Attend the SLG information session on Tuesday, April 1, from 2:30 to 4 pm in room B132 on the Abbotsford campus to learn more about the program and meet current leaders.
The SLG program is currently hiring leaders for GEOG 103, BUS 145, BUS 249, COMP 150, CHEM 110, CHEM 113, CHEM 213, MEDA 100, KIN 163, MATH 111, MATH 140, MATH 141, ECON 100, and ECON 101.
To register for the event or get more info, please contact For applications, visit
Please drop off your application and résumé at C1007 on the Abbotsford campus or send it to
The application deadline is Wednesday, April 9 at 4 pm.