Learn to play squash with Campus Recreation — starts Feb 8

Campus Recreation has teamed up with Squash BC and BC Jesters to offer a four-week structured introductory squash program led by a certified squash coach. Sessions take place at the Chilliwack Cheam Centre (45501 Market Way), where you will learn the fundamentals of squash in a fun and inclusive environment.

Participants will need to bring a pair of indoor non-marking shoes and wear athletic attire to participate. The cost is $40 per person and everyone receives a Black Knight squash racquet and Squash BC membership.

See https://ufv.ca/campusrec/recreation-events-/ for more information, or email Cheryl Johnson (Van Nes) at cheryl.johnson@ufv.ca.

Feb 8, 15, 29 and Mar 7
1:15 to 2:15 pm OR 2:45 to 3:45 pm
Chilliwack Cheam Centre (45501 Market Way)