Queer Prom — April 27

UFV Pride Collective is beyond excited to officially announce our first Queer Prom! We wanted to provide an opportunity for folks to experience prom as their authentic selves and connect with an inclusive, like-minded community.

Some things to expect for the evening:
– Live Music and DJing: Mack Widdows and Emma Hones
-Baby’s First Drag: A chance for attendees to try out drag for the first time! Drag performers Jester Minute and Colin Alda Elizabithan Monsters will be available for guidance on your first performance!
-Catering: Pizza and soda will be provided!
We look forward to seeing you there and connecting in person!
(*Please note that this event is only open to UFV students, with the exception of plus ones.)

Tickets available through EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ufv-pride-collectives-queer-prom-2023-tickets-596380479067 (*Please note that ticket sales end on Thursday, April 27 at 12 noon!*)

Thurs, April 27
5-10 pm
Evered Hall

For more information, contact Roxy Granikovas at prideufv@gmail.com
