Childrens’ outfits needed for art installation in honour of children at residential schools

Ey swayel.

History 396, taught by Geoffrey Carr, and the Indigenous Affairs Office are asking help from the UFV community.

Art Installation (name TBA)

Scope: Installation of Children’s outfits Sizes 7–12 on UFV Abbotsford campus (indoors and outside). The outfits will represent the children from Indian Residential Schools in Canada.

Installation day will be Tues, March 29.

Collection of new or very gently used complete outfits will take place between February 21, and March 22.

We need:

1. New or gently used outfits in sizes 7–12 for any gender. Outfits must be complete: tops and bottoms. Outfits should be NEW or almost new. We ask that you keep in mind that your donation should be something a child would be proud to wear.

Outfits are tops and bottoms, or dresses. They could also be outerwear. We do not need socks and underwear, though tights for the girl’s dresses are fine. Scarves, belts, and baseball hats will also be incorporated, if donated.

2. The outfits will need to be in closed (sealed) plastic bags. If you do not have a plastic bag, one will be provided and the donor must put the outfit into the bag and seal it before turning it in.

3. To donate an outfit, please bring it to one of the UFV Libraries during open hours and hand it in at the Circulation desk.

4. We encourage donors to work together to donate an outfit – only donate what you can afford.

Donate a new complete outfit for a child from S’olh Téméxw who attended Indian Residential School.

Drop it off at the Circulation Desk in the Library in Chilliwack or Abbotsford between February 21 and March 22.

At Hope centre donations can be left at the main office.

In Mission campus donations can be left in Reception.