Understanding Your Learning Styles — Feb 22

Your preferred learning style and the environment or media you find most comfortable for learning is a function of your personality type. In this Lunch & Learn session, we will look at your learning preferences. While we all have preferred learning styles, different situations will stretch us to try other ways of learning. We also become more aware of helping others learn by looking at the full range of learning styles.

– To understand your preferred learning style
– Explore how to balance your learning needs against your preferred learning style.
– Consider how an awareness of learning styles can positively influence personal development and organizational learning solutions

Tues, Feb 22
Noon–1 pm

Facilitator: Glenda Johnston
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/understanding-your-learning-styles-tickets-224236235617

For more information, contact Debra Fehr at debra.fehr@ufv.ca
