Understanding Accommodate and Accommodation Letters

The Centre for Accessibility Services invites faculty to join us for an introduction to our online platform, Accommodate, which launched in Fall 2020. This platform is utilized for all accommodation-related requests at UFV. We will go over what to expect from Accommodate, and how to access Accommodation Letters for students in your courses. Moreover, we invite faculty to come participate in a discussion about why we provide accommodations, and what to do when you receive an accommodation letter from the CAS.

Tues, Jan 25
9-10:30 am
Facilitator: Accessibility Advisors Rebecca Wassef and Madison Soriano

Please notify Rebecca.wassef@ufv.ca of any accessibility needs or questions leading up to the event.
A Zoom link will be sent out to registrants closer to the date of the event.

Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/understanding-accommodate-and-accommodation-letters-tickets-231026836487

For more information, contact Debra Fehr at debra.fehr@ufv.ca
