Work with us to return library materials

The UFV Library would like to remind our users that our book drops at both Chilliwack and Abbotsford are open 24×7 and accessible without entering a building, and that parking is currently free on campus.

• Abbotsford book drop: north entrance of G building
• Chilliwack book drop: south entrance of A building

We strongly encourage our borrowers to return items that they no longer need or to renew items that they are still using. If you are currently residing outside of the lower mainland, there may be alternative options available to you for returning your library items. If you need assistance, please contact either library.

For several months we have been offering Select and Collect, a curbside-like service that allows users to borrow items from our library despite the closure. We want to extend this service to include providing recalls on items that are checked out. To do this, we need your assistance in returning items that you are no longer using.

The library has not charged overdue fines during the pandemic. However, as some items will soon have been out of the library for one year, we need to account for them. Soon we will be processing replacement cost invoices for items that have not been returned or renewed. Students may experience loss of library privileges and inability to register for classes, obtain a transcript, or graduate.

Please contact the library to see how we can work together to get items back into our collection.
Take care and stay safe!

For more information, contact Mary-Anne MacDougall at
