2021-22 meeting schedule — weeks breakdown

The 2021-22 Meeting Schedule Weeks Breakdown is located at H:\UFVinfo\Meeting Schedule and Timelines\2021-2022 Meeting Schedule Timelines\2021-2022 WeeksBreakdown_UFVMeetings_StatHolidays.pdf.

Those employees responsible for booking meeting space for department and committee meetings are asked to contact Room Bookings directly, between February and June 2021, in order to book space.

Please send an email to room.bookings@ufv.ca or use the room booking portal, https://roombookings.ufv.ca/Portal/ to submit your request(s).

Information that Room Bookings will require:

1. Meeting name and acronym, if applicable — please advise of any committee name change.
2. Week number of your meeting: Week 1,2,3,4 (please see the Weeks Breakdown document on the public drive, as noted above).
3. Meeting day (Monday, Tuesday, etc.)
4. Please include all of your dates. If your meeting falls on a statutory holiday and you reschedule it to an alternate date, please also include all that information.
5. Meeting start and end times.
6. Number of attendees expected at your meeting.
7. Contact person’s name and contact information.

Please note that Room Bookings will not automatically book meeting space for a department or committee meeting unless contacted directly. Room Bookings will attempt to provide the room you have had in the past, if there are no changes to any of the following: day, time or week.

With COVID-19 protocols and Provincial Health Orders evolving there may be a need to adjust your room booking request. Please be mindful of the current meeting room capacities listed on the portal, as several have changed to allow for appropriate distancing.

2021-2022 Meeting Schedule confirmations will be sent as follows:

• Fall 2021 (September to December) will be sent in late July 2021.
• Winter 2022 (January to June) will be sent in late November 2021.

Meetings that require a classroom must wait until each semester timetable and final exam schedules are confirmed. Room Bookings will hold onto any pending requests, and reconnect once the schedules are finalized.

Ad-hoc meeting room request for the period of September 2021–August 31, 2022 will not be approved until after the Meeting Schedule is finalized.

For more information, contact Darlene Glum at darlene.glum@ufv.ca
