Let’s Get Physical — Fitness Workshop

The aim of this workshop is to promote physical activity and increase your ability to structure safe and effective resistance training workouts. We will talk about the importance of physical activity, how to easily incorporate activity into a typical day, and education about resources offered by UFV Campus Rec. Afterwards, the instructor will guide you through a workout-template activity in which you will learn the fundamental aspects of exercise-programming. This activity will focus on the elements involved in a full-body resistance training session, touching on topics such as: proper warm-ups and cool-downs (i.e. dynamic versus static stretching), methods of exercise selection, set and rep schemes for diverse goals, and so forth. The workshop will conclude with a brief discussion period for any further questions.

Thurs, Jan 30
1:10-1:50 pm
Building S — Student Life Lounge S1111


For more information, contact Ashley Ward-Hall at ashley.wardhall@ufv.ca
