Extended call for vacancies on Senate’s standing committees

Want to use your leadership skills to help?
Join one of Senate’s standing committees and help carry out the business of Senate. Senate is UFV’s academic governing body responsible for managing academic policies and advising the Board on policies of mutual interest.

Who can join?
Student and faculty positions are currently available on several committees. Staff positions will be announced as vacancies become available.

How do you apply?
Choose from the list of vacancies and fill out our online form: https://www.ufv.ca/secretariat/get-involved/standing-committee-vacancies/.

When should you apply?
As soon as possible! Positions are being filled as applications are received, on a first-come, first-serve basis.

What are the terms of office?
Terms of office start immediately and end July 31, 2021.

Contact Lisa Boldt at ufvsecretariat@ufv.ca.
