Now hiring: Supported Learning Group leaders

Are you looking for valuable work experience in your field of study?
Put your classroom knowledge to work and become an SLG leader!

SLG leaders are students who have taken the course and have done well.

SLG leaders are needed for BUS 143, 144, 249, MATH 141, MATH 085, MATH 111, ECON 101. HIST 101, KPE 170, 163, 270, CHEM 213, and BIO 111.

Leaders attend training sessions to develop skills to facilitate SLG group sessions (student leaders are paid for training as well as for preparing/conducting weekly sessions and attending the targeted course lecture

‌‌The focus is on helping students “learn to learn” the material most effectively using proven study techniques.
SLG information session:

Mon, April 3
2:30-4 pm
Abby B121  (snacks and coffee provided)

Contact or stop by the SLG Centre (Abb C1007) to reserve your spot.
Applications are available at

Application deadline is Mon, April 10 at noon.

For more information, contact Navneet Sidhu at
