UFV Facilities upgrade — Abbotsford building metering: Buildings B, C, A East and A West

As part of our continuous upgrades to improve energy efficiency, we are adding metering to our buildings. To do this requires that we shut down incoming power to the building that we are adding the metering.

On Sunday, March 15, we will be installing the metering for Abbotsford campus Building B, C, A West and A East. This will require shutting down the incoming power to Building B. This outage will also affect Buildings C, A West and A East. The power will be off for approximately 4 hours starting at 8 am on March 15.

As Building B and A East have generators for equipment that requires emergency power during a power outage, these generators will be started and running prior to the start of the power outage and the power returned to Hydro once the work is completed.

If your office is in any of the affected buildings, before leaving your office on Friday (or Saturday if you work then) please shut down all electronic and electrical devices properly to protect them from the power shut down on Sunday morning.

If this will cause you any issues (i.e. equipment that will need to be kept running, equipment needing to be restarted, etc.), please call the Facilities service desk at 604-854-4542.

Thanks for your patience during this upgrade.

Sheldon Marche
Associate Director, Building Systems
For more information, contact Sheldon Marche at sheldon.marche@ufv.ca
