Reaching out Together: Connections Through Social Work — April 28-May 1

Conference-logoThe School of Social Work and Humans Services invites you to attend an exciting conference at UFV. Registration for Reaching out Together: Connections Through Social Work is now open at Eventbrite please register here.

The conference will provide a variety of learning opportunities such as applicable practice-based workshops, themed networking sessions, and insightful presentations delivered by service users, engaging research presentations, and sharing of innovative alternative practice strategies in the field.

Participants will learn about indigenous and international practice, anti-oppressive and feminist practice, and sustainable community development in a variety of practice areas such as human trafficking, child welfare, at risk youth, mental health to name a few. In addition, you will have the opportunity to experience the culture of social work in British Columbia through the provision of field trips into numerous practice settings in the community.

Come join us in your roles as practitioners, researchers, educators, and students to seek an opportunity to learn from each other and influence positive change in our local and global communities.

Tues, April 28: Networking sessions
Wed and Thurs, April 29 and 30: Keynotes and concurrent sessions
Fri, May 1: field trips

Please visit our website or contact for more information and other ways to participate or contribute.

