Looking for FVC and UCFV clothing for vintage portion of Bookstore fashion show

Do you have any Fraser Valley College (FVC) or University of the Fraser Valley (UCFV) logo clothing, giftware, bags etc.?

We would love to feature these items in the second annual UFV Bookstore Fashion Show on October 15, during our Student Appreciation Day. Please email Megan.Bukta@ufv.ca if you have some of these items that you are willing to lend us for the day. Or if you would like to join the show, yourself, for that portion to show off your items please let me know by Oct 8.

We are still looking for students with talents to take part in the UFV student talent showcase. If you know of any students who dance, sing, play an instrument etc. please email Megan.Bukta@ufv.ca


For more information, contact Megan Bukta at Megan.Bukta@ufv.ca
