Notice of change to UFV Security keypad systems

UFV Security & Emergency Management is working alongside the UFV Facilities office to upgrade the existing, aging, keypad infrastructure to a newer, easier to use, and more durable keypad system. Most of the changes will be made behind the scenes and other than a small disruptions during the physical switching of the keypads, there should be little to no disruption to your daily routine.

The keypads will operate in the same manner, the only difference is that you will not be required to add the “*” to the end of your PIN code. Do note however that in the future, these keypads will require a dual authorization to access. You will be required to have a new proximity-based ID/Access card and an individual PIN code. Details on this change will be made available before they come into effect, leaving plenty of notice for the affected individuals time to adjust.

Please contact Justin Cole ( or Chris Humphries (, Security Coordinator, UFV Security & Emergency Management if you have any questions.

