Weight-loss study recruiting participants

We are recruiting participants interested in a nutritional intervention that addresses insulin resistance and chronic disease. In the 12-week study you might lose up to 10 kg of body fat, reduce pain and inflammation, improve sleep and energy, improve good cholesterol, and decrease blood glucose and triglycerides.

If you are an overweight or obese, sedentary, post-menopausal woman, with no history of high blood pressure, or heart, liver, or kidney disease, you could qualify for this study. If you qualify, you will be assigned to a control group that will follow the diet only or an experimental group that will exercise moderately (working up to 6,000 steps walking per day).

The study begins with an information session that will be held in the coming weeks on both campuses. You must attend one of these sessions, as this will comprise part of your “informed consent” needed for the study. You will need an informed consent document and I will also provide information for your family physician. You must provide a signed consent form from your physician.

If you would like to be considered for this study, please send an email to the lead investigator, David Harper (of Kinesiology and Physical Education), at david.harper@ufv.ca,
