Daffodils brighten up UFV campus with hope
Daffodil sales in support of the Canadian Cancer Society ran in Alumni Hall from March 23 to 25, 2011.
Intenational student volunteers raised $1,883.95 to support cancer prevention, advocacy and research in Canada. This was the fifth year the daffodil campaign, a longstanding cancer fundraiser, ran on the UFV campus.
“This year, we had 32 volunteers,” says Michelle Rickaby, UFV International’s student program coordinator, “and they donated more than 160 hours to sell daffodil bunches and pins.”
In the first two days, sales were so brisk that students ran out of flowers and had to call the Cancer Society to request more blooms.
“All of the students involved in Daffodil Days at UFV have helped us put forward a positive message of hope to the community,” says Tim Dixon, Community Fundraising Coordinator for the Canadian Cancer Society. “We are thankful for their contribution in this important event.”
The daffodil fundraiser traditionally marks the beginning of the Cancer Society’s door-to-door fundraising efforts that runs every April. Until the end of month, daffodil pins are still available by donation at the International office in B223.