University of the Fraser Valley

Introducing Kim White, Human Rights advisor

Introducing Kim White, Human Rights advisor

New folks — Kim White

Kim White is UFV’s new Human Rights advisor. In her role she is here to provide confidential support and guidance to students, staff, and faculty on matters related to human rights, discrimination, and harassment prevention. The other part of her role is to facilitate the resolution of interpersonal and team conflicts between members of the university community.

“I adhere to the philosophy of Dr. PM Forni who suggests, ‘the quality of our lives depends on the quality of our relationships’,” says Kim. “Who amongst can say that we have never experienced a rift, a misunderstanding or a hurt in either a professional or personal relationship? Differences occur. In a learning organization we can accept that conflict resulting from difference is a naturally occurring characteristic of individual and team functioning. It’s what we do with those differences that matters. My goal is to help build conflict competency through coaching individuals to resolve issues independently and to facilitate dialogue to build connections where connections have been fractured.”

As an independent contractor, Kim’s autonomy provides her with an opportunity to employ her professional skills in a vast range of areas.

“I work across a wide range of businesses, both in the private and public sector, partnering with clients to build more effective teams, navigate change, and enhance employee effectiveness. My change management work has taken me as far afield as Cameron and France, and my coaching clients have come from as far away as Hong Kong and Ireland. For over 20 years I have been on faculty at the Justice Institute of BC as a skills coach and assessment partner in the Centre for Conflict Resolution. As a registered clinical counselor I also maintain a small private practice, bringing the best of my skills to assist individuals and couples navigate individual and partnership challenges.”

She says her my most interesting ‘past job’ was collecting used shock absorbers for retrofitting for Citroen motors in Paris, France.

“I had a cute little VW bug and I would drive around the various ‘arrondissements’ of Paris stopping at various garages to pick up shock absorbers who required a new internal hydraulic mechanism. I lived in France for 9 months and arrived home quite fluent. This skill landed me in a career as a flight attendant which lasted for about 13 years.”

Kim’s passion for travel pulled her away from completing university in her 20s, and she returned later in life to finish her undergrad in psychology at SFU and an MA in applied behavioural science at the Leadership Institute of Seattle, Saybrook University. She has her certification in mediation and negotiation from the JIBC and is also a professionally certified coach through the Coaches Training Institute and Organizational Coaching through the Centre for right Relationship. As a registered clinical counselor, she has continued to hone her skills with certifications in EMDR and emotionally focused couples therapy.

“The campus is stunning beyond belief, the views are phenomenal and there is a peacefulness that exists here that I believe comes from the green embrace of nature that surrounds the Abbotsford campus. I thoroughly enjoy the ‘buzz’ of students outside of my office…and invite them all to drop in and say hi. I have yet to explore all the campuses and look forward to getting lost, finding new environments and meeting new people.

Kim has always enjoyed working within and as part of an organization.

“For nine years I coordinated the Respectful Workplace program at BC Hydro and BCTC, where I thoroughly enjoyed working systemically and in partnership to create healthier workplaces for all. I was particularly drawn to working with young people and all individuals committed to a path of learning. It’s nice to be working in a community where growth is happening all around and I am excited to be part of what UFV is moving towards.”

She lives in the Newport Village community of Port Moody.

“I did live in France for nine months, both in Paris and in Lyon. I was born in Exeter, England, and also returned to live there for too for a short while. My early careers took me to Nanaimo and Toronto but mostly I would say I’m ‘from Langley’ where I went to school, graduated and spent a large part of my adult life.”

This past summer she went on a seven-week trip. “I started in Ireland where I drove 2400 km touring with a friend of 40 years and ended my time away volunteering in Arusha, Tanzania at an orphanage teaching 15–20 year olds. The greatest reward in all of this was the ability to effect immediate improvements with funds raised prior to my departure.”